Tour Digest

Display at Mysterious Galaxy, thanks to Rob Crowther, Jr.

All these weeks later, can I still find some snapshots to document I Was a Teenage Slasher winging it from NYC to San Diego? Let’s see, let’s see:


Launch-day was shooting video for The Buffalo Hunter Hunter at Simon & Schuster, but ALSO seeing Tolly and Ambs in the main display case at ground-level in that building that always makes me feel like I’m on a Conan remote—that he’s about to pedal past on a bicycle or something. And? Look, Ma! I’m on the wall on the top floor!

note the early-early EARLIST copy of BHH on the table, there . . .

The Strand

This was standing-room-only, with Grady Hendrix:

thinking these first two snaps are thanks to Clay McLeod Chapman? Nat Cassidy’s there. And I see Tony Pedro and Cat Delani in the background.
man, no clue who took this one, sorry. just? it’s on my phone for some reason . . .

Couple of people in the forever signing line, one (Rupa DasGupta) in the coolest-ever dress, one actually NAMED “Dinorah” (so? I spelled it wrong in Good Indians):

San Antonio

With Nowhere Bookshop, where, before the event, for their book club mailout, signed up 300 of these dudes:

Then there were enough people showing up, from all over Texas, turned out, that they had to procure a CHURCH for us to do this in:

Richard Santos, who I was lucky enough to be in conversation with, showed up before the crowd, got the chapel before it was filled:

And, after:

via Ito Romo, who I was lucky enough to catch food with the night before.

Coolest shirt in the signing line?

And, after, it was the coolest bar in Texas, I think:

I take so few selfies. but? this time I managed to actually aim at us!

The Tonight Show

Then, who’d have ever guessed, this happened:

Teen Slasher didn’t quite win, but, was cool to be in that running, anyway. videos etc here.


Think this B&N had 20 or so chairs set out? But there were plenty of standers, once those filled.

this one’s from Mario Acevedo’s Think this next one’s via Billy Stratton? (whose write-up for Teen Slasher is here)
And, all the cool people were there:
which is to say: Angela Sylvaine!


With the evercool Sadie Hartmann! Plane was late, so I had to walk in dragging my bag, get handed a mic, and take off. Which? That’s the dream:

Those snapshots courtesy Misha!

this one too:

never sad, signing a whole huge stack

And here’s what it looked like from, I think, Sadie and Misha’s seats, while people were still coming in?

got to meet Ashley at last!
kind of signing line I like
got to say hey to some former Clarion West students, too: Betsy Aoki and Jon Lasser
ALSO got to say hey to the librarian who, back in Lubbock in 1997, got me health insurance by hiring me to be a book cataloger! Diane Hueter.

Los Angeles

Before making it to Skylight for the event, I got to hang with Hollywood friends. Josh Stolberg—we didn’t think to snap any pics?—and El Coyote with Larry Zerner and Henry Darrow McComas:

Then it was hanging with CJ Leede at Skylight books—first upstairs, then down on the floor (these pics via CJ):

New York Times

Then the NYT, who’d already reviewed Teen Slasher, also did this whackiness:

San Diego Comic-Con

Coolest thing I saw?

Well, I also got to hang with Joe Monti and Shane Hawk:

As well as a star member of my publicity team at Saga:

Savannah Breckenridge

My first non-virtual (weird term, yes?) panel at an SDCC:

(I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I now have that name-thing in front of me tucked away here at home, as keepsake)

And, the wonderful Trish Lundy (to my immediate right, below, and to CJ’s left, above) just heads-up’d me to this post–panel one, that showed up on Publishers Weekly:

note how the treads on my boot match the lettering on my shirt? I’m SO pulled together.


Always great being home:

Didn’t think to look the next day, for if the night before bumped it to #1 . . . Anyway, the event, the fun. Somehow I again don’t have crowd shots, but, was another very full house (one of these is via Millie Price, one via Billy Stratton, maybe?):
you might know Lorin from:

Which is a pretty great place to wrap this up. Well, unless this kind of fun’s fun:

lot of Goodreads words as well

Thanks for coming out, everyone. Couldn’t have been a better time. See you again in March, for The Buffalo Hunter Hunter.

Author: SGJ