Ten years ago outside Browning, Montana, four Blackfeet shot some elk, and then went on with their lives. It happens every year, it’s been happening forever, it’s the way it’s always been. But this time it’s different.
Ten years after that fateful hunt, these men are being stalked, are being hunted themselves. By who? By . . . what? And why?
Some hunting expeditions, they’re never really over.
This one’s just beginning.
Saga’s page. Titan announcement. SST Special Edition. Fun with Midnight Society.
Excerpt at Entertainment Weekly.
Get it at: bookshop.org | indiebound | boulder bookstore | tattered cover | powell’s | amazon | bn
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Kind words from cool people:
Stephen Graham Jones is a literary master who happens to write horror, and you’ve never read a book quite like The Only Good Indians. It’s so sharp that it cuts: from laser precise details, characters and prose to its unique sensibility and imagination steeped in Native American life. This book is so scary that you’ll hear noises while you’re reading. Keep the lights on and hang on for the ride.
Tananarive Due
Packed tight with language you can chew, deeply original, and stinking with the fear-inducing funk of folk horror, The Only Good Indians is the most American horror novel I’ve ever read. Without Stephen Graham Jones, horror would be a hell of a lot more boring.
Grady Hendrix
How long must we pay for our mistakes, for our sins? Does a thoughtless act doom us for eternity? This is a novel of profound insight and horror, rich with humor and intelligence. The Only Good Indians is a triumph; somehow it’s a great story and also a meditation on stories. I’ve wondered who would write a worthy heir to Peter Straub’s Ghost Story. Now I know the answer: Stephen Graham Jones.
Victor LaValle
The Only Good Indians is equal parts revenge thriller, monster movie, and meditation on the inescapable undertow of the past. A gripping, deeply unsettling novel.
Carmen Maria Machado, National Book Award finalist and author of Her Body and Other Parties, and The Low, Low Woods
The Only Good Indians mauled me. It’s truly thrilling and gruesome: a Jones specialty. I like stories where nobody escapes their pasts because it’s what I fear most. Everyone’s worst deed, if they’re somewhat decent, is usually always there looming in their peripheries, right? What Stephen Graham Jones does for me, is create new possibilities for Indigenous story-makers.
Terese Marie Mailhot
The best yet from one of the best in the business. An emotional depth that staggers, built on guilt, identity, one’s place in the world, what’s right and what’s wrong. The Only Good Indians has it all: style, elevation, reality, the unreal, revenge, warmth, freezing cold, and even some slashing. In other words, the book is made up of everything Stephen Graham Jones seemingly explores and, in turn, everything the rest of us want to explore with him.
Josh Malerman
Stephen Graham Jones is one of our greatest treasures. His prose here pops and sings, hard-boiled poetry conspiring with heartbreakingly-alive characters.
Sam J. Miller
The Only Good Indians is scary good. Stephen Graham Jones is one of our most talented and prolific living writers. The book is full of humor and bone chilling images. It’s got love and revenge, blood and basketball. More than I could have asked for in a novel. It also both reveals and subverts ideas about contemporary Native life and identity. Novels can do so much to render actual and possible lives lived. SGJ truly knows how to do this, and how to move us through a story at breakneck (literally) speed. I’ll never see an elk or hunting, or what a horror novel can do the same way again.
Tommy Orange
Jones has written a chilling and original story of revenge set in contemporary Indian Country that had me staying up late turning pages as fast as I could. The book is bloody and brutal at times, but also intimate, heartbreaking and ultimately hopeful. Jones boldly and bravely incorporates both the difficult and the beautiful parts of contemporary Indian life into his story, never once falling into stereotypes or easy answers but also not shying away from the horrors caused by cycles of violence. I highly recommend.
Rebecca Roanhorse
The Only Good Indians is a masterpiece. Intimate, devastating, brutal, terrifying, yet warm and heartbreaking in the best way, Stephen Graham Jones has written a horror novel about injustice and, ultimately, about hope. Not a false, sentimental hope, but the real one, the one that some of us survive and keeps the rest of us going. And it gives me hope that this book exists and is now in your hands.
Paul Tremblay
In Times Square

A Playlist

A Magazine Cover

Shaun Taylor-Corbett in-studio
Some craziness:

Some excellent-cool fan art:

Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for including my review here (FanFiAddict).
Also, I’d love to have you as a guest on my podcast (Authors on a Podcast Talking Books) at some point in the near future if you are at all interested.
Best of luck with the release and I’m looking forward to what comes next!
yeah, bet I could do that. and, thanks for the read, the review.
What is the best way to contact you in order to hash out details?
Thank you for including my review. I loved your book and can’t wait to read your next one!
thanks just for giving it a go.
So disappointing that the release date was pushed back! I’ve been looking forward since I found out about it and wish desperately there was a way to get ahold of the ARC. :( One can only wish! Thanks for being an inspiration – my head is constantly full of ideas that I write down, I just need to sit down and put words to my thoughts!
giveaway happening here: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/306905-the-only-good-indians
Thanks for reinforcing my fear of the dark in Montana… first read of yours and I am looking for more now.