It’s time to say goodbye to Jade Daniels.

It’s been four years in prison since she last saw her hometown of Proofrock, Idaho — the day she took the fall, protecting her friend Letha and her family. Since then, her reputation, and the town, have changed dramatically. There’s a lot of unfinished business, from serial killer cultists to the rich trying to buy Western authenticity. But there’s one aspect of Proofrock no one wants to confront . . . until Jade comes back to town.
As Randy Meeks says:
“But here’s the critical thing. If you find yourself dealing with an unexpected backstory and a preponderance of exposition, then the sequel rules do not apply. Because you’re not dealing with the sequel. You are dealing with the concluding chapter of a trilogy. That’s right. It’s a rarity in the horror field but it does exist, and it is a force to be reckoned with. Because true trilogies are about going back to the beginning and discovering something that wasn’t true from the get-go.”
Scream, Kevin Williamson
Indian Lake and its savage history is waiting, and now is the time for the final stand.
Excerpt | Preview & “My Heart is Jade Daniels” | List of all films in Indian Lake (another) | Saga team slasher! | Final Words
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