Mag Pubs Update


I got word that two are just out, in the mail to me and more or less available, and one’s shipping next week:

and no, alas, no clear word on the what Amazon is or isn…

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Charles McCarry

Just finished Charles McCarry’s OLD BOYS, which, like the rest of the Paul Christopher series, just absolutely blew me away. The guy’s not just a good storyteller, he hammers his prose, too. Usually you get one or the other.

A sample line:

She had the wary unwavering eyes of a woman who knew how attractive she was but wanted no sign from me that I might have noticed this too.

I’m not sure or even suspicious that it gets any better than that. After reading it, too&…

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The Demon Theory / Horror IQ

Finally rigged it up, here. It’s in Javascript, so hopefully your browser’s got that turned on. No cookies, though. And, the only possible glitch I can see, really, aside from not knowing the answers, is that if you’ve got your screen-resolution set too low, then things might get a little bit hinky. Which is the first time I’ve ever used that word. And yeah, it’s not set up to take comments/corrections/answers, so, if you’ve got any, ju…

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Demon Theory book trailer II: The Sequel of the Remake Attacks

like I haven’t done this with every banner etc. but, anyway, yep, polished the trailer up in a few ways, and it’s here now:

I’m leaving the old one up as well, though, for those who might have preferred it.

too, am going to do one more thing (talking digiswag) for Demon Theory as well. a quiz-type thing. just still deciding whether to do it just in text, in javascript, in flash, or whether it might be fun to just mak…

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well, okay, Pinhead’s maybe not a true and classic slasher. but he’s got the look, anyway, and has been pretty vital to this project we call horror. was going to synch some music up with this, but have no clue how, without going the Flash-route. anyway, the bigger version’s here.

a very brady horror film

as to why I killed two hours of my afternoon making this:

  • it’s lead-in for a Horror-IQ type quiz I’ll be posting here, as soon as I get a copy of Demon Theory, so I can track d
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Slushpile Interview

A Demon Theory-specific interview, up at

slushpile header
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I don’t know anybody who’s got their Demon Theory from Amazon or Barnes & Noble yet, but, as of today they’re both showing it’s available, or, available-ish, anyway. And, I mean, if they’re selling it, it must be real, yeah? Exist in what we all agree is an objective reality? That is, it’s not just in my head, isn’t just some yearslong dream I had, and keep having. Or, too, maybe mine’ll somehow wend its way to me on this d…

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Devil in an Aerostar, or, The Omen (not a review)

Just because I don’t write reviews anymore. Just because they seem to use the same part of my brain I use to write. Anyway, The Omen: a remake in a year of remakes, yeah. Not quite as ‘reinterpretive’ as When a Stranger Calls and not quite as ‘faithful’ as Psycho, but, too, I’m not yet confident it’s the ‘improvement’ The Hills Have Eyes might have been (not that Craven messed up or was hamstrung by budget or any of that, …

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quickest of quick notes: new essay up at The Cult. On revision, of all unlikely things. I mean, of all unlikely things for me to be writing about. Anyway, it’s here.

and, nope, no new DEMON THEORY news in the last few, sweltering, basketball-playing, story-workshopping, dog-tying-up-only-to-have-it-chew-through-the-rope, Daily Show watching hours.…

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To be read

never at a loss for stuff to read. if I could just shoehorn one more syllable in there, it’d scan pretty cool, I think. what little I know or can take a stab at talking lines. anyway, yesterday afternoon’s library haul (this doesn’t count the ninety-plus I already have checked out, on my shelf, which I call The Annex). was going to type them all in for that Books You’ve Bought But Haven’t Read Yet (or something) thread over at the Velvet, but good gr…

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