Links that are Fit to Link

Never been just all over Bukowski’s stuff — no real excuse, aside from lack of taste, I suppose — but this is about as good a poem-reading as I’ve heard/seen.

Too, like everybody’s been saying, yep, 3.75 million for a vampire trilogy. Or, like everybody’s been bemoaning? That too. Hopefully not because of ‘vampires,’ though, or ‘literary.’ I mean, this is the dream, right? So maybe the moaning is because of …

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Leslie Vernon Lives


Man, except for re-hitting ReAnimator the other day — and maybe even including it — Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon is far and away the best horror I’ve seen all year. Best I’ve seen since Feast, really.* And Feast is that holy kind of good for me. The only time I plan on being this horror-movie happy anytime soon is come fall, when we get the sure-to-be-beautiful All the Boys Love Mandy Lane. Cannot wait for that one.** Though I do suspect IR…

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Eat More Chicken

or however those cows spell it. Anyway, the new & cool Bust Down the Door and Eat All The Chickens is out*. I’ve got a piece in it, Anthony Neil Smith does, Joey Goebel, and on and on (I’m guessing it’s just vanity or something that I put my name first, there — or, that I know how to type it just really really well).



*far & away the best title of any magazine ever. only contender, even, I think, would be Failbetter.

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No More Hard Candy Shell

which is to say the Demon Theory trade paperback’s in the atmosphere. And, according to Amazon (or, the American link), it looks to have gone radioactive. Which I can’t say nearly as cool as The Firm said it, once and forever. amazon's dtAnyway, as to what-all’s different in this one, man, just too much to list here. It’s been re-proofed, re-typeset, just had all kinds of re-stuff done to it. For half the bucks, too.

Also, if you see Rain Taxi somewhere: new Demon T…

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And This is My Knee on Drugs…

acl & meniscus fix

[ whole lot of staples requiring a whole lot of pills. ACL & meniscus + some good old fashioned osteo-chondral drilling (ie, microfracture surgery). crutches and a wheelchair. all a grand conspiracy to keep me from hitting Pirates of the Caribbean 3 ]

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Couldn’t be happier: Asimov’s has picked up a story of mine, “do(this).” Lucky days. Out in . . . Well, it’s either a lot like or the direct opposite of what Sean Connery says in . . . I’m thinking it’s Highlander? Somebody asks him about something that happened, and he gets all reflective and flashbacky and says, with a little chin stroking, “Ah yes, that was in the past . . . ” (his Scottish ellipses). All of which is to s…

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Good news, good news (wish I could say that in that wheezy, exuberant, already squinting because he’s about to be hit with a hat way Rosco P. Coltrane could). FC2‘s going to be publishing my novel Ledfeather. Couldn’t be happier. For me, it’s to Fast Red Road as Return of the Jedi was to Star Wars. not the most claro image, but that's his trademark expression, the one where you can hear the sound he's makingBut without the teddy bear picnic, of course. However, whereas with Fast I was really and consciously trying my best to undo the whole tradition of the novel, L

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Just a couple links

As opposed to a ‘couple-three’ links, yeah. Which I’ve really always loved saying, but hated hearing.

Anyway, was digging through about 22,000 emails, and unearthed a couple of links I’d meant to post in here, like this:

  • the illustration for that “Raphael” story. only one even half as cool’s the one Cemetery Dance (also) had done for that “Father, Son, Holy Rabbit”-one. but of course too I’m all romantica
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And flights of angels, all that

As part of my quest to not write any reviews, either book or movie, I submit this by way just of suggestion: William J. Cobb‘s Goodnight, Texas (Unbridled Books, who, going by this, man, they produce some seriously clean books. And pretty too. If I’m not mistaken, they even commissioned the painting for the cover here. A press to watch, I’d say. Them and Dzanc and Chiasmus).
goodnight, texas

As for what I can say about it: I’d already committed this week to reworking thi…

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The Violence of the Lambs

click here for some real happiness:

black sheep - the movie

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