Where the Camopede Roam

tloNGThough The Long Trial of Nolan Dugatti‘s not officially released until early September, it looks to be slipping through Amazon already. And that seems to me to be a good time to explain it a bit. Or, not explain it, but explain around it. And not like this, but with this running journal-thing (my first ever) I kept for the seventy-two hours it took me to write it. That Three-Day Novel Contest, yep. Which, if I could find a way to make a living doing one of those every weekend, th…

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The Postman Rings Twice

What’s showing up on my porch any day: author copies for Ledfeather and The Long Trial of Nolan Dugatti. Each now up at Amazon, if not quite orderable yet. As for official release dates, I think Ledfeather‘s going to be first, though Nolan Dugatti‘ll be available right around Ledfeather‘s official day (early/mid-August). Very excited about each of these, too. Haven’t had a two-novel season since 2003, All the Beautiful Sinners and The Bir

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As I Lay Mostly Dying

A new essaything I have up over at the Cult. Click here to get there.

So far, too, this is getting the award (derision?) for shortest post ever.

Anyway, lost in the surf of Duma Key right now, and looking forward to snagging The Plague of Doves afterwards. Writing this novel too all the while, which I just keep expecting to self-destruct. But somehow it just keeps unfolding. And I guess that’s good, but, too, I’m about the last person in this situation who’d kno…

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Hell on the Homefront Too

A TG Sheppard line*, yeah. That and Elvis’s “Kentucky Rain** make up a whole eight or ten month block of my . . . not childhood, but that’s when I listened to them most. ‘Life,’ I guess. Which is pretty much the complete opposite of the story just out here:

CDance 58

An interview and a Demon Theory review in there too. And, yep, it’s been on the shelves for a bit already, but I’m just seeing it anyway.…

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State of the Slasher Address

Man, came home Friday after watching Prom Night, just all conflicted and twitchy from it, and then the next morning woke early, slammed down an essay-thing about it, and then of course hit the wrong button, lost it all, so, when I finally had time (that night), I re-did what of it I could, and bam, now it’s up at PopMatters, one of the sites I respect the most:

Author Stephen Graham Jones looks into the disappointments of the Prom Night remake, finds pause to reflect back on th

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Stay Off the Grass Deadly Ruins

Man, I got the year right for The Ruins anyway, back when. And this is another non-review, yeah. Specifically, one with spoilers. Anyway, yeah, Scott Smith pretty much proves that it’s not always a bad idea to let the author be the one to make that book-to-screen jump. He nails it, I mean. I guess there’s something to be said for knowing the material. Not here to say Good job though. Not only that anyway. Just because the end of the movie version of the The Ruins doesn&#…

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Demon Theory Audio

Who knew, yeah? Looks like it’s out loud now, anyway, here, and here, etc. And no, no clue how or if the footnotes were handled, or if, when they were or weren’t handled, it was as endnotes that they were or weren’t handled (that is, if the audio’s working off the paperback or cloth version). Was so tempted to footnote that sentence right there too*. Anyway, maybe this is cool. Looking forward to giving it a listen.

hospital line

[ edit: just listened to a bit of it ̵

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Three Things

1. Just got a story, “Lonegan’s Luck,” accepted by New Genre. Like most stories if you peel them back far enough, this one, too, is a zombie western. Nearly forty pages of it.

2. Doomsday opens tomorrow. Very excited. Looks like all the elements I look for in high-calibre, life-altering cinema, they’re here. Which is to say that if Tina Turner waltzes on, starts singing, that’ll only make things twice as good. Too, cool that Rhona Mitra’…

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Happiness is a Book

Specifically, The Ones That Almost Got Away: A Collection.

Even more specific, The Ones That Almost Got Away: A Collection of fifteen horror stories.

By me, I mean.

From Sean Wallace at Prime Books.

Fall 2009.

One more Halloween I’ll hardly be able to wait for.…

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Getting (more) (and more) Depraved

Another interview, this one over at Depraved Press, with Jesse Wichterman, who asks some good questions. Mostly we just talk about politics and the climate and religion, and what role Dee Snyder could play in all of them, in a just-slightly different reality. Or even in this one. Then of course, when Snyder isn’t the best fit, we fall back on Blackie Lawless, who’s always dependable in a pinch, especially where weighty issues are concerned, but finally settle on …

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