another story in Cemetery Dance. a zombie-piece. too, if you don’t subscribe to their newsletter, I’d recommend it. if you’re into horror, I mean. lots of the bargains/sales they’re always…
Just realized we’re T-minus four weeks on Demon Theory. Usually by now galleys/ARCs would have been floating around, but, gremlins being what they are, we’re holding our breaths for the…
Next Wednesday at 8:00, I’m in the Foster Auditorium up at Penn State (in State College, PA). Just reading aloud. Not sure what yet, but I’ll have a plane ride…
Juked just pasted it up on their very cool walls. ( as for my feelings for time-travel, I think there’s a thread somewhere on the Velvet already. to sum it…
This was a panel from the AWP conference. Think the stardate was 9 March, 2006, about 1:30 in the breathless afternoon. A big room with these draping chandeliers, and some…
I touched Demon Theory for the final time last Monday, at about six minutes shy of seven in the morning. It’s maybe at the printer’s now. Still an April 13th…
Guess I did two readings at AWP this past weekend. Well, two readings and one panel. Of the two readings, anyway, this is the one that happened to get recorded…
“The Wages: an Argument” is out now in the current CONTROLLED BURN. also in there’s a BLEED INTO ME review, which kind of just sums up why I even ever…
hey, because somebody over at the Velvet asked for it, I dug up an old story I’d wholly forgotten about, sucked it into flash, put it in that little story…
hey, just got a note that that Cult interview’s live. It was my first IM-thing since ICQ debuted, back years and years and years ago. was a blast. Interview
first, the whole event: AWP Conference. next, my part: Thursday March 9th, 10:00 – 10:45: a booksigning for Bleed Into Me. I’d guess this’ll be at the University of Nebraska…
“Raphael,” in Cemetery Dance “Jumpers,” in Fresh Boiled Peanuts “Adultery: a Failing Sestina,” Behind the Short Story “The Fatherland is Rich and Varied,” Liquid Ohio (but they’re on hiatus or…