It’s of a world without Harlan Ellison, yes. It’s all different because of him. And, no, I never met the guy, or, I only knew him on the page, but, too, I kind feel that that’s where you can know someone the best.
Anyway, here’s my favorite two Ellison write-ups, one from before yesterday, one from the day-of, I think, neither pulling any punches, but neither did Ellison:
This originally ran on Spinetingler back in 2012, when Growing Up Dead in Texas was new. Now Spinetingler’s gone gone gone, though, and somebody got hold of me, asked where was this, and . . . I’m not so sure, really. But I did dig this up from an email. It’s some version of what went up at Spinetingler lo those many years ago. From a. URL I found for it, the first part of the title, evidently, was “That Pink Light at the End of the Tunnel,” but then some U…
Clicking through stories for bad links, I refound this one, and, man, it’s got to be the coolest-formatted story I’ve ever had come up on these internets. I wrote this story back in . . . I’d guess about 2001, maybe? Possibly even earlier. Cool it’s still around:
And, that’s just a screencap. Click it to go the interactive kind of version (or, here).…
Well, really, links plural, but the visual gag doesn’t work in the plural:
[ lou93 @ deviantart]
Anyway, just took a fast and dirty click-tour through the Stories category here, and, man: lot of ancient, broken, go-nowhere junk. Sorry about that. Should have cleaned it up years and years ago. Hopefully will get to the other categories before too long. In the meanwhile, if you click something and it goes, I don’t know, to some defunct Geocities pages, feel free to l…
Kind Mongrels words from Kristen Burns:…
Which you’d think would start here, at 7pm, as the sign says:
But, really, I was at Tattered Cover Colfax at 2pm, for a Denver Moon event, which went great, as you can tell:
On the way out, I caught My Hero in good company:
I so, so dig My Favorite Thing is Monsters. Very ready for vol.2. Really dug My Friend Dahmer, too.
Anyway, instead of finding coffee shop to write away some hours in (the scent of coffee leaves me dramatically gagging), I went to Discount Tire and worked on a ch…
It’s so jacked up. It’s also—”it” being my tribe’s retention of it—why Mapping the Interior and its kind-of follow-up (to come) never once say “Blackfeet”: because of current policy, I don’t think it’s a big enough term. Anyway, Robert traces through it in a compelling way here, once you click through:
…I, along with my cousins and other Blackfeet, tried to get blood quantum eliminated from our tribal constituti