The Fast Red Road—A Plainsong is a gleeful, two-fisted plundering of the myth and pop- culture surrounding the American Indian. It is a novel fueled on pot fumes and blues,…
It’s probably just me, but I had the hardest time getting into Amelia Beamer’s The Loving Dead. As for why I picked it up in the first place? Aside from…
Finally got on, today. This is me: Digging it so much more than Facebook, too. Once you wrap your head around ‘circles,’ it seems so intuitive, and you wonder…
In Kyle Reese’s bleak future there’s those Heinlein kind of bugs from space but no Ender to xenocide them away, and, I mean, they walk around in Robocop get-up already…
Oh, Doghouse, where have you been my whole life? I’m not saying I haven’t been into the other zombie comedies, the Shaun of the Deads, the Dead & Breakfasts, all…
I mean — I don’t know. But look: Tin Man was 2007, Fringe debuted 2008 each features someone who grew up in a parallel world (Peter, DG) each features someone…
Sex & Nudity A woman is seen naked, from behind, but it’s through two doors, and in the point-of-view of a killer tire, so it’s not really anything you can…