I read this first at Isleta Casino in Albequerque. Not just randomly, mongst the slots, but for a keynote-thing. Why I wrote a commencement address for that, no idea. Then Jon Davis (there at Isleta) asked me to read it for his MFA students at IAIA (click around, there’s also a chapter of Mongrels out-loud, first-time ever, and likely the only time I’ll read that chapter in front of people), said he’d post it for all, and he wasn’t lying:
Great piece, dude. The modulations in your voice as you read were nearly hypnotic; is that a deliberate effect, or were you not aware of it? I’m a musician (among other things) so that’s why vocal tone stands out, for me. Thanks for having this vid on your blog. I like to hear a writer’s actual voice when I get entranced by their words on a page. :-)
man, just the way I talk, I guess? couple of stumbles in there, it seems—or, I remember thinking as I was fumbling words that, Dude, they’re RECORDING this, speak right! Which, surprisingly, doesn’t help my mouth get the words in order . . .