1989, Lamesa, Texas. A small west Texas town driven by oil and cotton—and a place where everyone knows everyone else’s business. So it goes for Tolly Driver, a good kid with more potential than application, seventeen, and about to be cursed to kill for revenge. Here Stephen Graham Jones explores the Texas he grew up in, the unfairness of being on the outside, through the slasher horror he lives but from the perspective of the killer, Tolly, writing his own autobiography. Find yourself rooting for a killer in this summer teen movie of a novel gone full blood-curdling tragic.
Excerpt (Bloody Disgusting) | Publishers Weekly Endnotes
at Saga / S&S / Aardvark edition / Preview / Tour Digest
Lists : NYT #1 | NYT #2 | BookRiot #1 | BookRiot #2 | BookRiot #3 | Bookriot #4 | Bloody Disgusting | Audible #1 | Audible #2 | Audible #3 | Read Jumpscares | Goodreads (anticipated 2024) (summer reads) (6 new bks) | Paste | B&N | B&N Best of 2024 | Publishers Weekly | the ARC party | Netgalley | Read Jumpscares | AV Club | Variety | Psychopomp | Esquire | TV Guide | BookBub | Hachette Summerween | B&N | Parade | Summerween | Malevolent Dark | NYT | NYPL | Den of Geek (again)| The Line-Up | Bloody Disgusting | BookTrib | Mario Acevedo | NPR Best of 2024 |
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Interviews: Publishers Weekly | Goodreads | NPR Weekend Edition (also) (text/KVCR) | NYT By the Book | Bookotron | @ The Strand (partial) | Paste Magazine | Audible | LibroFM (also) | The Kingcast | Chthonica | CU A&S | Chthonica 1 … & 2 | Saga mini 1 … & 2 | Calgary Herald |
Making Chihuahuas!
@loulous.cocina Skyview Drive-In Movie Theatre Chihuahua!! #drivein #chihuahua #snack #movietheatre #moviesnack #tostada #westtexas #lamesa #texas #texmexfood #easyrecipe #skyview ♬ Good Vibes (Instrumental) – Ellen Once Again
Jason Ragosta with the perfect poster!
About those Rabbit trucks!