Don’t Fear the Reaper tour: Boulder

Wow, ending this whole wild ride right back where I live—where I usually live, anyway. So cool. Have never packed this place either, but, there were people sitting to either side as well. Such a good Q&A, and it’s always the best, speaking with Arsen and Maeve. The radio + podcast version should post . . . in March, I think?


A lot more pics were taken (I mean, during signing), but . . . guess they’re all stashed on IG or somewhere?

And, stayed late, too, to personalize a lot of pre-orders (some from the original 2021 publication date . . .):

And, couple of friends—they’re wearing the Jade shirts, front row—gave me the coolest popcorn holder in all of EVER, which is the perfect last snapshot for this tour, I think:

See all y’all again for book 3 . . .

Author: SGJ