The first is a little ten, eleven minute out-loud thing I did at Dink:
The astute will note that I get the issue of Secret Wars I’m talking about there wrong. Sorry. What happened / my excuse? I forgot I was on this panel until about fifteen minutes before, and then I had to look up what I was supposed to do for it, which took about fourteen and a half minutes on the terrible signal I had going on. Figured out what I was going to do on the stairs on the way up, but didn’t have time to fact-check any memories. But: it’ll all be fixed soon, in a piece going up this summer.
Second new thing’s an interview I did with Lisa Morton over at Nightmare:
Third new thing’s a story at Gamut, “The God of Low Things,” which . . . well, there’s cute things, and blood. One of those:
Click the pic to go to the place.