Usurper, Conqueror, etc — I finally got to write him! Could not be more thrilled! I’ve done non-fic on him, but never fiction. Finally, though. Here’s the cover for my story “Lord of the Mount,” coming September 26th from Titan:

Usurper, Conqueror, etc — I finally got to write him! Could not be more thrilled! I’ve done non-fic on him, but never fiction. Finally, though. Here’s the cover for my story “Lord of the Mount,” coming September 26th from Titan:
Hello, Mr. Jones!
I am Harald Björnson, author of several S&S comics, and translator of many Conan works.
Can I translate your Conan story from English into Russian for non-commercial use? From a fan for fans only.
Thanks in advance for the answer!
man, don’t think those rights are mine. got to ask the publisher, Titan.