Over the course of one shift working the window of his father’s drive-through urinal, our sixteen-year-old Flushboy will have to not only juggle gallons of warm pee and deal with…
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The Least of My Scars
Cabin in the Woods intro/extro
Zombie Sharks with Metal Teeth
The Gospel of Z
The Last Final Girl
The Promise of Werewolves
Man, where to start. How about with John Mellencamp: When I was five I walked the fence while grandpa held my hand “Rain on the Scarecrow” came out in 1985,…
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Categories: books / werewolves
Growing Up Dead in Texas playlist
Zombie Bake-Off
Look What the Cat Dragged In
Growing up Dead in Texas
some links: LA Review of Books | Dallas Morning News | San Antonio Current | Mixedblood Message | Omnivoracious (Jeff Vandermeer) | Goodreads | Indie Bound | Bookfight | Foreword | Manarchy (Chris Deal) | TimeStageEmbassy | WordRiot (Edward J. Rathke) | Do Some Damage | Publisher’s Weekly |…
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Categories: books