This is a thrown-together couple minutes—camera crew came to the office, got a reel together to zap to all the news/radio places (thus: I’m on the radio a lot this…
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Indians in Space: Let the Star Wars Begin
My Boulder Eating Guide
Mapping the Interior of Mapping the Interior
SGJ Bio & Author Photos
Mapping the Interior
My Hero
The Night Cyclist
Fine Dining
Mongrels: the Texas Leg
This is from Murder by the Book—which shuttered up as soon as I was done, as the rain was coming down, and Houston’s understandably pretty water-shy this summer, and where…
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Categories: events / food / werewolves
Werewolves & Me
Me in my office, playing with all things werewolf related. At least those I could reach without getting out of the camera’s eye. Also some talking, some reading, some injudicious…
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Categories: select / werewolves
Werewolves in the ABQ
Do people say that, “IN” the ABQ, the same way people will identify with a certain area code? Really, I kind of doubt I’m the proper age to try it…
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Categories: events / food / werewolves