So on the radio the other day I heard a song that took me right back to the second grade–The Gatlin Brothers’ “All the Gold in California.” Some excellent stuff….
Just finished writing the novel I started the day that Cult workshop went over (21 June; really I finished Friday night, I suppose, just before Monk). It Came from Del…
Finally rigged it up, here. It’s in Javascript, so hopefully your browser’s got that turned on. No cookies, though. And, the only possible glitch I can see, really, aside from…
Just got a note that there’s an article on me in the (Texas Tech) student paper. click on the image below for it. looks like you have to register, maybe,…
Maybe it’s this way for everybody, I don’t know. Sometimes I’ll stumble across something in a book, anyway, and it’ll just burrow right to the core of me and never…
rigged this up in just under 14 days, I think, a while back. I’d just finished reading that graphic novel which I suddenly can’t get the full title of: Thirty…
All I knew about Pennsylvania before the last couple of days was what I’d read in Pynchon’s Mason & Dixon. It’s the place with those big pretty barns, though; I…
Next Wednesday at 8:00, I’m in the Foster Auditorium up at Penn State (in State College, PA). Just reading aloud. Not sure what yet, but I’ll have a plane ride…
This was a panel from the AWP conference. Think the stardate was 9 March, 2006, about 1:30 in the breathless afternoon. A big room with these draping chandeliers, and some…
Guess I did two readings at AWP this past weekend. Well, two readings and one panel. Of the two readings, anyway, this is the one that happened to get recorded…
hey, just got a note that that Cult interview’s live. It was my first IM-thing since ICQ debuted, back years and years and years ago. was a blast. Interview