[ click the thumbnail to see the full image ] Author-type photos: snaps. though these are all ancient, from sites and sites ago. fresher stuff’s likely on facebook.
not based on a true story So I read more fiction than non-fiction. It’s a moral failing, I know: I prefer the make-believe. Too, though, I mean I write fiction….
In Five Words or Less: Boring title, good movie. In More than Five Words, with / without spoilers: In 1998, Sam Raimi adapted Scott Smith’s debut sensation A Simple Plan…
New interview. All kinds of fun, as always. If I remember correctly, too, that pic there, the shirt I’m wearing, I borrowed it from somebody in the driveway of the…
First story, “Monsters,” with Niteblade. A nice little ‘What I did this summer’-story. Or, ‘What I did this summer and who-all died,’ kind of, I suppose. Second story, in the…
Doing a reading today, a Dead Authors thing, where we all take turns reading stuff from writers who died this year. I’ve got David Foster Wallace, and’ll of course be…
That sounds like some secret cousin to the incubus, yeah? If I’m even spelling it right. Anyway, was digging through some old stuff yesterday and found this sheet of paper…
One of my better memories is working for this seed research company fifteen years or so ago. Way out north of Lubbock, TX. There was this guy called Rooster who…
from trying on just a whole lot of women’s clothes: 1) While I can wiggle into 9/10 pants or slacks, 11/12 is a lot more comfortable. 2) Extra-large in a…
If only I could. But this would definitely be in there, right along with the TOTALL RECALL/2001 saga: “The ‘Road to Perdition’ novelization was a nightmare, frankly,” Collins says. “I…
Though The Long Trial of Nolan Dugatti‘s not officially released until early September, it looks to be slipping through Amazon already. And that seems to me to be a good…