Some of you’ll remember a bit ago, before the hack, the crash, the switch to another host, I posted a cool excerpt by Pablo D’Stair (which the hack/crash ate, refused…
The Fast Red Road—A Plainsong is a gleeful, two-fisted plundering of the myth and pop- culture surrounding the American Indian. It is a novel fueled on pot fumes and blues,…
I can’t imagine I’ve actually remembered every book I’m in, so, if you find one missing, let me know, I’ll see what I can get done. And, these aren’t journals/mags/zines,…
seven spanish angels Life isn’t easy in El Paso, Texas. Neither is death. Caught between them is crime-scene tech in-training Marta Villarreal, trying to work a case that may very…
Jones: PEN OR PENCIL? SGJ: I can’t really handle how loud pencils are. Jones: HOW FAST CAN YOU TYPE? SGJ: Can’t quite hit the 220wpm Philip K Dick was supposed…
There are borders and then there are borders. Between right and wrong. Between Texas and Mexico. The first is a joke to Dodd Raines, the second a payday. Then there’s…
from the back of the book : These thirteen stories are our own lives, inside out. A boy’s summer romance doesn’t end in that good kind of heartbreak, but in…
If there’s a line between the real and the digital, between meat and the game, between past and present, then hold this book close to your mouth and whisper it…
from the fc2 website : After burning up all the blacktop New Mexico had to offer with The Fast Red Road and rewriting the Great Plains into a place both…
Description from the old defunct gone-forever MacAdam/Cage website: On Halloween night, following an unnerving phone call from his diabetic mother, Hale and six of his med school classmates return to the…
The Fast Red Road—A Plainsong is a gleeful, two-fisted plundering of the myth and pop- culture surrounding the American Indian. It is a novel fueled on pot fumes and blues,…