another story in Cemetery Dance. a zombie-piece. too, if you don’t subscribe to their newsletter, I’d recommend it. if you’re into horror, I mean. lots of the bargains/sales they’re always…
Just realized we’re T-minus four weeks on Demon Theory. Usually by now galleys/ARCs would have been floating around, but, gremlins being what they are, we’re holding our breaths for the…
Juked just pasted it up on their very cool walls. ( as for my feelings for time-travel, I think there’s a thread somewhere on the Velvet already. to sum it…
I touched Demon Theory for the final time last Monday, at about six minutes shy of seven in the morning. It’s maybe at the printer’s now. Still an April 13th…
“The Wages: an Argument” is out now in the current CONTROLLED BURN. also in there’s a BLEED INTO ME review, which kind of just sums up why I even ever…
hey, because somebody over at the Velvet asked for it, I dug up an old story I’d wholly forgotten about, sucked it into flash, put it in that little story…
first, the whole event: AWP Conference. next, my part: Thursday March 9th, 10:00 – 10:45: a booksigning for Bleed Into Me. I’d guess this’ll be at the University of Nebraska…
“Raphael,” in Cemetery Dance “Jumpers,” in Fresh Boiled Peanuts “Adultery: a Failing Sestina,” Behind the Short Story “The Fatherland is Rich and Varied,” Liquid Ohio (but they’re on hiatus or…
Instead of typing in all the volume and issue number stuff, instead each cover is just linked to its high-res scan, which has all the good info on it. Hover…