Category: etc

Dung Butterfly Teeth Man Box

Man, the subject lines of my junkmail are just getting better and better. There’s a thousand monkeys out there, and they’re cranking out something, anyway. But, not what I’m here to say this time. What I’m here to say: Woody Harrelson makes movies better. NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, though he’s just in it for a bit, coudn’t have really happened without him either, I don’t think. To say nothing at all of the over-the-top just plain old c…

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Trick or Treat

Just three four FIVE fast things, as I’m spending most of the day being properly foolish:

  1. What I wouldn’t give to be hitting this haunted house.
  2. That Asimov’s with my “do(this)” is on the shelves (the cover’s below the fold here, here. click it to go to the site).
  3. This is great (“Reaper Madness”).
  4. I’ve got a post over at Slushpile today, here.
  5. The NBA’s going again, which, you’d think it’d greatl
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Randomer and Randomer

  • Looks like I’m up in Massachusetts — that how you spell it? so much easier just to say “MA” — this February 7th, for a reading. More as, I don’t know, it stops being more than half a year away, I suppose.
  • A friend lent me that Paris Review with the King interview that I was talking about last time, and, yep, it’s excellent. Too, a very cool JT Leroy interview in there as well. And some good poetry by a friend, John Poch.

  • Just read that How to
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These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

It’s a bad/wonderful hole to fall in, but man, I need these, just to set them up with my Mulder & Scully action figures:

then of course I’ll just nab these too, and be in business:

and, man, all the patches I need, I don’t have near enough jeans to take them all. and I’ve got just a lot of jeans.…

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Demon Theory Sneaks into the Shot

rob zombie in lubbock, tx


[ archived here in case it isn’t appearing above. ]…

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You might be a novelist if . . .

. . . you could never*say :

  • No, please, no — my book would make a terrible movie.
  • Actually, I never thought about if this book would outlive me or not.
  • Well, I mean, that book’s obviously better than mine. That’s the only reason it’s on the best seller list.
  • Of course I would only ever talk bad about a book I’ve read.
  • Man, if the reader doesn’t get it, that’s just all my fault.
  • Really, I think my publisher may have even spent too much on mar
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The Gospel According to Demon Theory

The best place to hide from an axe-weilding maniac is with your back pressed up against a wooden door you’re pretty sure is both solid and impenetrable. This is because that maniac who’s after you, his first strike with the axe will nearly always be from two to six inches from the left side of your face, thus allowing you both to know exactly where she or he is, and thus escape into the next room, and getting the maniac’s axe caught in the door long enough for you to make that esca…

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The Good, The Bad, and Demon Theory

Looks like, in pre-celebration for TURISTAS1, Demon Theory pulled two reviews this week:

  • toxic universe
  • &

  • horror-web

[ click em to hit the rvws ]

Cool places each, though the reviews are kind of opposites of each other.

Anyway, it’s none other than Mike Bracken on the Toxic Universe one. Which, I mean — for my first novel, I remember telling somebody that it would only be complete when I knew that Gerald Vizenor had read it. And then, bam, it was suddenly complete before it was even publis…

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Man is in the Forest

and his freezer’s now spilling over with elk. which is to say dancing days are here again, all that.

and, because all this can’t seem to organize itself any other way, a list:

  • That 32 Poems (Fall/Winter 4.2) with my story “Lunch” is out and about now.
  • Just had “The Sadness of Two People Meeting in a Bar” accepted at Red Rock Review.
  • That end of November reading I was doing at Texas Tech has now been moved, tentatively, to March 1, 2007.
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A Horror Test, A Book Review, his Wife and her Lover

Just a couple of quick links:

  • Wooden Spoon’s posted a cool Demon Theory review
  • In anticipation & celebration of Halloween, that fifth page of the Demon Theory quiz-thing‘s been very updated
  • I just last night rung that 100-page bell on the novel I started a few days ago, which has a title still probably too tentative to say, as it might lock me into it or something. Anyway, about it: the rule this time around’s that nobody can kill anybody, and there can be
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