This paste-in isn’t going to be as bulletpoint-neat as before, with quotation marks and titles. But that’s just because I skipped a month of posting these, so they kind of…
From . . . man, about 2005 until maybe 2011? 2012? there were so many of us there. Pre-Facebook, sort of alongside MySpace and the other bulletin boards (I remember…
Had no idea when I put this Scream shirt on Wednesday that I’d be getting tv-interviewed at lunch. But, was cool. And, luckily they edited me down so I don’t…
what this is: last week, maybe the week before, I don’t know, I had a lot to write, so figured to keep myself somewhat on-task by making myself log down…
is mostly, it looks like, gags on tv and in movies. But it’s so perfect, yes? So wonderful. It makes me feel, and, isn’t that what it’s about? And, the…
“How Many Bones Would You Break to Get Laid?“ “‘Oldest remains’ outside Africa reset human migration clock“ “Paul Tremblay Is Horror’s Newest Big Thing“ “skeleton of glass and marmelade“ “Ancient…
This arrow by mathematician and sculptor Kokichi Sugihara can't point left. Here's how it works: It's 3D-printed with a bunch of curves our brains don't register. — Khai (@ThamKhaiMeng)…