Category: elk

Best of 2019

Just like last year, I had this idea that doing a monthly post would make it a snap to figure out my best of the years: just scroll through, it’ll be obvious. I wish. Though it does make it easier to remember stuff from before summer, say. So, without further whatever, and by category, and including stuff I only FOUND in 2019, and just going plural for some instead of staging ties:



easy choice, obvious choice, c’mon. this one’
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All the Pretty Lists

No time to thumbnail/preview them (running out the door, in Houston, it’s raining instead of snowing and it’s December, feels like the world’s upside down, and I’m late to a thing to boot…), but here’s some recent ones I caught on Twitter that I’m super honored to have sneaked onto:

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Pre-Review Reviews

Little thread I think’s pretty cool:

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Coming-Soon Horror

Honored to be on this list of 2020 horror books over at Nightfire:
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