Looks like this is the second Stanley Hotel post I’ve done here (the first). This time it’s for teaching, though. Also? Every single place I go on CU campus—bulletin boards,…
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Stories that aren’t (but are) stories
Picking Up Things Instead of my Pen
Writing: It Takes a Village
Sequencing a Collection
Building Your Bad Guy
Writers, Writing (and not)
A Good Week for Novellas
Y’all been hearing the same thing I have? That we’re kind of easing into a novella-friendly space? Like: http://io9.gizmodo.com/tor-com-explains-why-novellas-are-the-future-of-publish-1685440234 http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/22/business/media/james-patterson-has-a-big-plan-for-small-books.html? And more and more, I’m sure. As for what constitutes…
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Mongrels Podcasts So Far
Figured I’d archive the posters/banners each place makes, and slip the link in so’s they don’t get just completely lost. Will embed when embedding’s a thing, too: TIH 092: Stephen…
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Categories: craft / werewolves