Category: craft
This makes me rethink and rethink and then reconsider:
This may be the coolest ep of Shockwaves yet. Just listening to John Landis. Man.
Truly, I get raked across the copyediting coals for exactly this so, so often. And? It’s not just Indian. In CJ Box’s books, there’s a lot of lip-pointing, a lot of chinning at stuff. Feels so right. Feels like the world I know. Which matters.
Thanks to Samuel Matz for the headsup on this.
This is what writing is: you throw a lot of stupid stuff at a wall, then see what sticks. And you never really understand it enough to do it like that again, and, meanwhile, people say it means this and that, and for reasons you can’t figure out, the story lasts, even though it was just something you thought might make someone smile:
As for where I think the humor in this is? The effort to intellectua…
This is a key sub-thing in a novel I just wrote:
The Venus of Brassempouy is one of the earliest representations of the human face. It was sculpted in mammoth ivory about 25,000 years ago in southwest France. Since its discovery in 1894, there has been much debate about the sex and whether he/she is hooded or braided #IceAgeArt
— The Ice Age (@Jamie_Woodward_) November 19, 2017
I might heretically add a tenth level for the semicolon clueless. But, yes, I’d be adding it from the eighth circle, I suppose. Which is a fitting fate for me, and one I’m asking for every day, pretty much.
I dream of a word processor that throws a little a WPM gauge up in the right corner, so I can keep a close eye for when I’m backing off the throttle more than I should. Way back, when instant-messaging first came around? I used to write chat scripts to talk to different hardly-remote people, and we’d testrun it, use the chat to IM, all that. What I found out pretty quick with that was that I never cared for the content of our back and forth. What mattered to me was winning the …
That one from a few days ago was a spotlight/author kind of thing. This is a conversation about horror, with other hosts, other horror writers: