Category: bookish
I remember not long after House of Leaves came out, with Lethem’s way cool blurb on back, that there was an article or interview somewhere, where he (Lethem) was saying his agent was making him not do blurbs for six months or a year. Just because he, being him, wanted to do them all, of course, and that was clogging up the works. And he’s all of us—me anyway: I want to give each writer, each book whatever small boost I can.
You can’t, though, I’ve found. See…
Not sure why, but I’ve been stashing these as I stumble onto them. Will add more as I find them, probably. They’re kind of cool. The Darnielle is more like the actual iridescent tape from a VHS, but still, it’s kind of on the same shelf:
And, guess this is kind of the same? Taking a streaming show, ripping it from DVD, transferring to VHS, then rigging together a make-do cover for it? Anyway, cool. Found it here (if there’s a better way to link Imgur, which I …
Neither actually new, but both getting to me yesterday: Sovereign Traces has a piece of Mongrels in it, courtesy of the amazing Delicia Williams (artist), and Fortune Smiles I already read, of course, and really dug—one of the stand-out collections from recent, or any, years—but got to hang with Adam some last night, thanks to Lighthouse in Denver, so came away with an even cooler copy. And, speaking of last night: great event, great reception, wonderful people to talk to.
…- that “Herpes of the Heart” story:
- that comic strip:
- “J.J. FTW” at Yale Review
- “Greased Lightning” at Pidgeonholes
Well, I mean, aside from pretty much ever story in Cat Valente’s The Future is Blue. Especially and forever “Planet Lion.” That story’s right up there with Peter Watts’ “The Things,” for me.
…Doesn’t feel like it. To me these stories are stil churning in my head. Thanks, Richard.
…Man, looks like I’m just embedding tweets here all day—I did just wrap an extensive novel rewrite about five minutes ago—but, here’s another one, a good one, an important one:
Dear person who decided to upload an e-ARC of THE GIRL IN THE GREEN SILK GOWN to an illegal download site more than a week pre-publication:
I am so sorry you disliked my book as much as you obviously did.
— Seanan McGuire (@seananmcguire) July 10, 2018
Oh, and while I DID once somehow embed the wh…