Gonna do this fast, here, as, when I take time and mull, this annual post just gets longer and longer—me, trying to include everything. So, before I can think too much, dig back too much, and probably including stuff I should have caught in 2019, or 2002:
Novel(s) of the Year

Comic Book of the Year

and, kind of late to the party on:

Best Story Collection of the Year
Horror Movie(s) of the Year

Non-Horror Movie of the Year

Documentaries of the Year

Non-Fiction of the Year

Best Paleoanthropology of the Year

Best Television of the Year

Best Musical

Best Songs of the Year
(new to me, anyway)
Best Podcast I Started Tuning In To:

Yes Spontaneous was so good!
had to buy the digital version, as I’m going to be watching it over and over . . .