Author: SGJ


  • just/finally found and watched that SCREAM & SCREAM AGAIN slasher documentary. excellent stuff. wish I’d had it for DEMON THEORY. would have saved a lot of legwork
  • just finding out about THE REMAKE, somehow. here. looks excellent. and, I’m sure it’s on IMDb somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it.
  • talking YouTube, too (where that last link shoots you), I snagged a lot of clips/vids, pasted them up here (MySpace, yeah–they just seem to kee
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what’s a friend list without an enemy list, I say. but, anyway, people kept asking why I was such a loser as to not be on myspace, and I kept answering that, hey, I’m not in the sixth grade, but, anyway, went in there finally, looked around, and liked it enough to stay. Click the image to go the profile, I guess. Dont think I have any friends yet, though. Not even sure how to lure them over.

and yeah, I see Craig (Clevenger)’s over on Tribe, maybe, so that’s eno…

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Jack Bauer for President (&etc)

and Dana Scully for surgeon general, yeah. really though, just here to post a cleaner version of that Demon Theory banner:

[ it may take a bit to load, as it looks like those prior two banners are still down at the bottom of this page, trying to load as well. well, still down there as long as this is the top post, I think ]

really, though, what all this banner-stuff has put me in mind of is revision. or, I should say, “Revision.” that which I never teach but always say is a pret…

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Daily Toreador

Just got a note that there’s an article on me in the (Texas Tech) student paper. click on the image below for it. looks like you have to register, maybe, for the second page, though too there’s an e-mail the article option, which may just shoot it straight to you. yet to catch the print-version, myself. there could be pics there, with me dressed like a professor–ie, wearing my brother’s band’s t-shirt (Hector Faceplant).

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Words That Stick

Maybe it’s this way for everybody, I don’t know. Sometimes I’ll stumble across something in a book, anyway, and it’ll just burrow right to the core of me and never leaves. I say sometimes, but, I suppose, I’m only about to list three. And, it’s not that they’re said all that perfect or anything, it’s more like they’re just obviously true. Trick was, I’d just never thought about them:

  • ‘Everybody has a ce
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Cult Wkshop / DMON Update / Bleed rvw

click over on the image for the full scoop on the workshop I’m running over at the Cult May 21st – June 21st. thanks to Minuet over at the Cult for it too (the image), which I probably don’t even have permission to be posting here.

too, I tried to corral some of my less-confused thoughts on genre and writing into a little piece, here.

and, I know today’s supposed to be the “T-minus 7 days and counting” trick for DEMON THEORY, according to Amazo…

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The Meat Tree

[ click the image to hit the story ]


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Zizek, Pynchon, etc

  • Excited that the Savoj Zizek DVD’s going to be available soon. He’s my PKD, since PKD went on extended hiatus. Click on the poster to get to the place
  • Check out the Frank Miller cover for Gravity’s Rainbow. Pretty excellent (thanks to Rob for the heads-up). Click here. (would paste it here, but don’t want to deny them their due clicks [hey, somebody just wrote, saying that link was bad, or giving them problems, all that, so I snagged the cover, stuffed i
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Demon Theory bannersneak

This is the first Demon Theory banner, anyway:

[ and no, no clue how to get that animation to restart–‘refresh’ doesn’t seem to do it. anybody know how? ]

If you make any more, just stuff them somewhere over at the Velvet, or link me to them through the comments here, or what-/however.…

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Bleed Award

I’d guess this is either posted around somewhere or is about to be, but, anyway, this past weekend I was in Austin, at the Texas Institute of Letters awards banquet, where Bleed Into Me was lucky enough to pull their Jesse Jones Award for fiction. A serious honor.

Anyway, if there’s any recordings of the event, I don’t know about it. I do have this one snapshot from it (well, I also came away with a check…). More important, though, the intro CW Smith gave f…

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