Author: SGJ

Texas Book Festival

tx bk fest
The schedule just posted for the Texas Book Festival, and it looks like I’m on two panels:

  • 11:30 – 12:30, Capitol Extension Room E2.026: “Literary Fiction: Texas Rising Stars?” With Ben Fountain, Dao Strom, and Dominic Smith, and Patrick Beach moderating. (DEMON THEORY)
  • 3:00 – 4:00, Capitol Extension Room E2.010: “Writers League of Texas Presents the Violet Crown & Teddy Book Awards,” moderated by John Pipkin. (BLEE
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Demon Theory at Dread Central

dread central Very cool review, from one of the hottest places for horror. click the image to go to the place.

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The Minnesota Report

at the signing

Thanks to Judy Wilson and Anthony Neil Smith for a cool time — great Q&A in the afternoon, fun reading that night, and lots of books signed. And thanks to Elli for FW’ing that pic, above; all the trophies, of course, are what I won for reading, just in the space of sixty minutes or so. Not bad, yeah? Anyway, one write-up of it here, and another here. And of course there was the lead-in interview as well [ this intervw link looks to be dead now; apologies ].

So, yeah, it …

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Against the Stet

Was reading over a novel I’m about to submit, and kind of just mentally ticking off the things I was going to be writing ‘stet’ by after the copy editor and proofreader have had a go at it (assuming a lot here, I know, but hope springs, all that), so figured it’d maybe just be easier to go ahead and rig up a document-type affair beforehand. Or at least a list — things I always do, things to watch for, things to let slide:…

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Site updates

Just a note to say, yep, it’s all different now. Got tired of the red and black stuff, just washed it all out grey and white. it looks like it should in Firefox, but I’m thinking that, in IE or IE-driven stuff, the “em”-size CSS is going to get ignored, kind of throwing off some of the formatting. anyway, maybe I should just use pt-size instead of em-. Or, is that a problem for anybody?

Anyway, as always, any bugs, leave a comment here, I’ll fix. Only o…

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In my movie, should anybody ever let me make one:

  • if someone at a party gets some kind of news that makes them drop what they’re drinking, the glass won’t shatter
  • if two people are fighting and one of them has a pistol, then that person with the pistol will win. Which is to say we won’t have to have that shot of the gun sliding away
  • if anybody’s carrying a bag of groceries, then not only will it have toilet paper instead of a loaf of French bread, but the bag won’t be paper either
  • if a character is despon
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A Sense of an Ending in THE DESCENT

First, as this is just all about the end of THE DESCENT, then, yep, it’s just chock full of spoilers. So stop here if:

  • you’ve not seen it
  • you’re going to see it
  • and you don’t like to know how a thing’s going to end

Not meaning to say THE DESCENT has a gimmick-ending or anything — we don’t change perspective and slowly become aware that these are just action figures in a toy bin. But the two endings it does have, in being at odds with each oth…

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All the Music I Still Wear on My Sleeve

So on the radio the other day I heard a song that took me right back to the second grade–The Gatlin Brothers’ “All the Gold in California.” Some excellent stuff. But it got me thinking about what all else I used to listen to about that time. Up until the fifth grade, anyway. I mean, once I hit sixth, I’d discover Prince and Quiet Riot and Shalimar and Terrence Trent D’Arby and the FOOTLOOSE and GREASE soundtracks, and all that would carry me u…

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In other news . . .

Just finished writing the novel I started the day that Cult workshop went over (21 June; really I finished Friday night, I suppose, just before Monk). It Came from Del Rio. Nothing but fun. Planned to go no more than 240 pages, and then just went 285, which is something of a record for me, staying that close to the blueprints. Anyway, it’s a story of a father and a daughter, of a rabbit and a zombie, a border story which deals with the traffic both of narcotics and weapons of terr…

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Demon Theory updates

  • Shocklines is selling some autographed copies of Demon Theory. Click the image to go to the page. Also check out their forums. Between them and DreadCentral, if you can’t get your horror fix, then it could be that you’ve got a pretty serious little habit there, and might want to look into some rehab, possibly at an abandoned asylum or something, or maybe at least spend a week or so at the lakeside campsite of your choice. You might want to be bring some gauze, of course
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