hey, because somebody over at the Velvet asked for it, I dug up an old story I’d wholly forgotten about, sucked it into flash, put it in that little story…
hey, just got a note that that Cult interview’s live. It was my first IM-thing since ICQ debuted, back years and years and years ago. was a blast. Interview
first, the whole event: AWP Conference. next, my part: Thursday March 9th, 10:00 – 10:45: a booksigning for Bleed Into Me. I’d guess this’ll be at the University of Nebraska…
“Raphael,” in Cemetery Dance “Jumpers,” in Fresh Boiled Peanuts “Adultery: a Failing Sestina,” Behind the Short Story “The Fatherland is Rich and Varied,” Liquid Ohio (but they’re on hiatus or…
was paging through a few-months-old notebook and stumbled on this, which I’d copied down from Antonia Quirke’s bfi book on JAWS. brilliant, brilliant stuff: There are two types of monsters….
No excuse for it, I’m sure, but somehow I missed BEWITCHED when it was at the theater. I mean, I loved the series–it’s kind of been instrumental to my whole…
if you click somewhere and, I don’t know, something bad or unexpected happens, or if you’re having trouble with some form, with display in some browser, anything along those lines,…
IS THIS SITE OFFICIAL? see the Author faq. I DIDN’T TYPE IN ‘DEMONTHEORY.NET,’ YET THAT’S WHAT’S IN MY ADDRESS BAR. still playing with that, when I can remember to. have…
Hysteria Lives has a clip of The Burning, that cool kill-scene on the raft. Just click here, scroll down a bit. Too, Cheesebrothers has an audio snippet of that excellent…
The first is central to Seven Spanish Angels, the second kind of prescient to Demon Theory: [ click them for the larger img ] That monkeys-img is thanks to a…
read enough stuff, you can’t help but start keeping lists. this is mine: https://www.demontheory.net/wp-admin/excl/manifesto.swf [ it’s a link now, because I made this with Flash, like 76 years ago, and Flash…
[ all the entries and posts and pages &etc below this timestamp are wrong. just all stuff I copied over from the old/other site. so, yeah, I could go into…
I don’t write essays, but, anyway, been meaning to for a couple of years now. planned subject: all the fake throwing up in movies. it’s so insulting to me when…