From Ledfeather. Was digging through an old box today and came across it, but now can’t find it on my hard-drive. Anyway, it’s the one I talk about in the…
If only I could. But this would definitely be in there, right along with the TOTALL RECALL/2001 saga: “The ‘Road to Perdition’ novelization was a nightmare, frankly,” Collins says. “I…
Though, to be honest, I don’t even think there’s links yet for just all of this: Right before Valentine’s Day 2009, I’m in Chicago for the AWP Conference. The panel…
I’m usually all in support of an artist making money doing whatever. Sure, I respect Springsteen and the U2 guys for not hawking anybody else’s wares, but I hardly begrudge…
Over at Internet Review of Science Fiction. A close read by JG Stinson. Very cool. So glad that book’s still reaching people. Too, The Long Trial of Nolan Dugatti‘s not…
Though The Long Trial of Nolan Dugatti‘s not officially released until early September, it looks to be slipping through Amazon already. And that seems to me to be a good…
What’s showing up on my porch any day: author copies for Ledfeather and The Long Trial of Nolan Dugatti. Each now up at Amazon, if not quite orderable yet. As…
A new essaything I have up over at the Cult. Click here to get there. So far, too, this is getting the award (derision?) for shortest post ever. Anyway, lost…
Man, came home Friday after watching Prom Night, just all conflicted and twitchy from it, and then the next morning woke early, slammed down an essay-thing about it, and then…
Man, I got the year right for The Ruins anyway, back when. And this is another non-review, yeah. Specifically, one with spoilers. Anyway, yeah, Scott Smith pretty much proves that…
Who knew, yeah? Looks like it’s out loud now, anyway, here, and here, etc. And no, no clue how or if the footnotes were handled, or if, when they were…
1. Just got a story, “Lonegan’s Luck,” accepted by New Genre. Like most stories if you peel them back far enough, this one, too, is a zombie western. Nearly forty…