New interview. All kinds of fun, as always. If I remember correctly, too, that pic there, the shirt I’m wearing, I borrowed it from somebody in the driveway of the…
Especial for Halloweentime, “The Ones That Got Away,” the somewhat-title story from the new collection and proud participant in Paul Tremblay and Sean Wallace’s Phantom: Going Beyond the Scare.
One of the big axioms of storytelling is that you know a character best by the decisions he or she makes under extreme circumstances. It’s why you push your characters…
Got an article/review/essay (‘response?’) up for it over at Popmatters. Kind of wanted to call it Geppetto mon Amour, but figured that might show my roots too much. Those being…
I read this review then, no lie, went upstairs, found some shrimp on the counter, ate them. which, for those in the know [see below], kind of matters. too, I’ve…
“In the Beginning” and “The Wages: an Argument,” over at the brand-new shiny sparkly SpringGun Press. Really strange that they posted this morning, though — or, that that Wages-one’s real…
Readercon report: got to sit down with Ellen Datlow, got to shake hands with Peter Straub, got to listen to Samuel Delaney and Gene Wolf talk, got to be on…
Which is to say, three new stories, “Piano Theif” and “Because My Therapist Asked Me to Tell a Story Using Hamsters,” each over at the July Hobart, and “Close Encounters,”…
First story, “Monsters,” with Niteblade. A nice little ‘What I did this summer’-story. Or, ‘What I did this summer and who-all died,’ kind of, I suppose. Second story, in the…
Looks like The Long Trial of Nolan Dugatti‘s up for a Shirley Jackson award (!, yep). Here’s the field: NOVELLA Disquiet, Julia Leigh, (Penguin/ Hamish Hamilton) “Dormitory,” Yoko Ogawa (The…