SAW 3D status-sized review: best installment in the series in a while, now. Story’s tangled, sure, but not AS tangled. 3D’s fun, but not MY BLOODY VALENTINE fun. Gore’s over…
So, I saw that Paul Tremblay and Jesse Bullington threw down the seventy-four movie gloves, so I made up a list last Wednesday, then promptly blasted off for Minnesota without…
(Fun and Gore, really) Horror movies, for all their excess and transgression, are every bit as rulebound as the romantic comedy. Maybe even moreso. This Night of the Demons remake…
[ click the thumbnail to see the full image ] Author-type photos: snaps. though these are all ancient, from sites and sites ago. fresher stuff’s likely on facebook.
man, I’ve had people do illustrations for my stuff before, and had people send me CDs of music they’ve made based on my stuff (which rocked), but never audio, like,…
Full jacket here tomorrow, hopefully. And, yes, in case you’re wondering, this may, in the complete and total history of book covers, be the coolest. just saying. [ click it…