Same way I’ve got a place to archive reader tats, figure I should do the same for magazine covers. These are the ones I can remember. Will try to keep them in order, so you can my hair go from not-grey to quite silvery, like, you know, a yak (think there’s another “not-old hair” shot or two here):

That PW-one‘s got another photo from this shoot in it, too.
Anyway, if any of y’all remember another magazine cover, leave a reply or let me know somehow? I didn’t ever expect these to accumulate, so didn’t bother tracking them—these are just what I halfway remember, from recently.
Oh, too, here I am in tin-type (but there’s a cupcake on the cover of this issue, I believe):

Will try to remember to keep this updated? But, I’ve long since forgotten to keep up with the Anthologies pages, so . . .