They seem to suddenly be on my site. I suspect they’re coming in with Disqus/the comments somehow. Could be some weird add-on/burrow-in from the theme, I suppose. Either way, will try to see what’s what, what’s not, and how to make them NOT HAPPEN. Apologies. Very weird.
Here’s something to hold us over, until things are better (I mean, not “2028,” let’s not get carried way. I’m talking about “until I figure how to make the ads go away”):

all right, turned Disqus off, so all the ads are gone. but, I haven’t used the native comments here for . . . man, many, many years, now. so, not sure how they work. I’m logged in, so can post. not sure how it’ll be for others. hopefully good? will log out, see how things maybe work. also: this is sort of the first test of that.
hm. well, looks like without being logged into “” or one of its many name-sisters (there a better word for sites that all resolve to a ‘central’ URL?), you maybe can’t leave a comment? will play with this, see what the settings are. I mean, I’m sure it’s to protect me from getting carpet-bombed with spam. which I like. but, I don’t exactly love being the only one who can reply to my own stuff, either . . .
all right, “opened” comments (for the moment—possibly a very brief moment?) but loaded up a few pre-built lists of moderation keys/keywords/etc to disallow. we’ll see how it works. if moderation of this gets to be a slowdown, I’ll probably either turn comments off or look for some sturdy plugin.
Sorry about the ads. On another subject, your blog has a bad horizontal scroll, almost to the point of vanishing off the screen.
thanks. somehow I’ve never caught that, either on desktop or mobile. and, man, I keep my font jacked up HIGH.