En Française

Was a great time, being part of the Festival America in Vincennes. Dug sneaking out to Poligny and Nantes for book events as well. And of course bouncing all around Paris, eating in all the cafes, hitting the touristy stuff—the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe are HUGE, and the Louvre, at least from the outside, goes FOREVER. Meant to make it out to Pere Lechaise and down to the catacombs, but: time, time, limited time. There eleven days, but ten and three-quarters of those days were interviews and photo shoots and trains and being on so many stages. Couldn’t have been more fun. And? Got to check something off my big list: Musée l’Homme. SUCH a cool, amazing place to spend some hours in.

Here’s some of the social media stuff I scraped together:

Author: SGJ