There are borders and then there are borders. Between right and wrong. Between Texas and Mexico. The first is a joke to Dodd Raines, the second a payday. Then there’s the borders he’s made. Between himself and his estranged daughter, the border patrol agent. Between himself and his one-time employers. And there’s another border, one he cares about even less than the Rio Grande: the border between life and death. Used to, the shadow Dodd Raines cast when he stood dripping from that water – it was the shadow of a fugitive. But now that fugitive’s coming home, and the shadow he’s casting? It’s got rabbit ears. Listen, you can hear the chupacabras padding along beside him – their new master. He’s that big guy in the hood, slouching out by the gas pumps. Walking north, for justice. Austin’s never seen anything like Dodd Raines, and never will again.
Get ready.
At Open Road
a pitch-perfect noir tale of love and revenge —Denver Post
Stephen Graham Jones crosses into the noir badlands of No Country for Old Men — bloody and throwing sparks but cool as a killer angel — and by sundown he owns the joint —Will Christopher Baer
No other writer could have done this. Period. Stephen Graham Jones has built a story out of radioactive scrap metal that anyone else would have rendered as kitsch. But with Jones, the diary of a rabbit-headed zombie chupacabra shepherd is absolutely convincing and utterly moving —Craig Clevenger
reviews: Chizine (or, All Things Horror . . .) | Gest Clarinetist | The Nervous Breakdown Review | Denver Post | Velvet review | 3AM Magazine review | HorrorNews review | Border Studies | Border Studies | Booked episode on Del Rio |
links: Dr. Cobalto lives | 17 Scary Bunnies | The Legend of Bunnyman | A Fashion Moment | Evil Fluffy Bunnies | Bunnies in Pop Culture | Medieval Bunnies
couple of Dodds, courtesy Jordan Dyke:

found this in a bookstore in . . . Georgia, maybe?

good find by Theo Van Alst
from issue 3 or 4 of Rebel Blood (mean bunny by Kelly Tindall, I believe)

From an old comic book, Witches Tales. At least it looked old. Was flipping through it in an airport, and, as it was an annual/anthology type book (see: big), I had no bag-space for it):

Hey, look, it’s Dodd in the pantheon:

I should maybe just start a page of cool scary rabbits:

2 thoughts on “It Came from Del Rio”