Description from the old defunct gone-forever MacAdam/Cage website:
On Halloween night, following an unnerving phone call from his diabetic mother, Hale and six of his med school classmates return to the house where his sister disappeared years ago. While there is no sign of his mother, something is waiting for them there, and has been waiting a long time. Written as a literary film treatment littered with footnotes and experimental nuances, Demon Theory is even parts camp and terror, combining glib dialogue, fascinating pop culture references, and an intricate subtext as it pursues the events of a haunting movie trilogy too real to dismiss. There are books about movies and movies about books, and then there’s Demon Theory.
Before you get any further : Hopefully you can find an old hardcover or trade paperback of this, as it’s out of print. However, the ebook of it’s not only what I would consider stolen, but the kindle version is also just extremely poorly done, from the early days of e-booking. The Google Books version looks all right, though. Could be the other e-platforms are cool as well, aside from being stolen.
[ just saw that a lot of this cluster of links below are broken. an initial search suggests they might be lost forever. after a more thorough search, I’ll sadly delete the ones that are broken . . . [3.18.18] ]
Sample | Afterword | Quiz | Trailer | Intervw | Avatars | Banner | Discuss | Discuss More | DT Suite (#eng331demon) | where the title’s from | a love connection | the comic
. . . akin to watching horror director Wes Craven’s Scream trilogy with David Foster Wallace whispering in your ear . . . ingenious — Dallas Morning News
The conceit is fairly audacious, but Jones, an unapologetic pop-culture savant, seizes the opportunity to recast thriller clichés into a madly entertaining landmark of literary horror . . . Demon Theory is subversive and indispensable—there is genius at work here. — Mike Shea, Texas Monthly
Forget the teen slasher films of the 90’s, and no one really cares what happened last summer anymore. Jones spanks them all soundly and puts them to bed without supper in all of their pithy and overly verbose language . . . And he does it with style, guiding the reader along the twisting corridors of terror. What comes across is not only a chilling story, but also the wit and intelligence of Jones, leading the reader along on a guided tour of pop culture and extreme fear. — Scott Johnson, DreadCentral
What he’s crafted is at once a love letter to the genre as a whole and to the hardcore fans who live and die for horror films, cult history, and the darker side of life in general . . . easily one of the best horror novels I’ve read in the past decade as it seamlessly mixes monsters and human frailty with a thorough dissertation on horror as a genre and pop culture in general. — Mike Bracken, the Horror Geek
- Horrorwatch
- Dallas Morning News (Jerome Weeks)
- About.Horror (Staci Wilson)
- Texas Monthly (Mike Shea)
- HorrorMovies
- Fancy Pants, Inc
- Monster Librarian
- Dread Central (Scott A. Johnson)
- Wooden Spoon
- Horror World (Nate Kenyon)
- Horror-Web
- Culture Cartel (Mike Bracken)
- Unspeakable Horror (Vince Liaguno)
- Globe and Mail (requires registration)
- Conditional Axe
- Chicago Reader
- Dazed Digital
- BookRiot’s 64 Horror Novels
- Esoteria-Land (Michael McCarty)
- Booked
- B&M Metafiction list
- Overdue (podcast)
- The Line-Up
- BookRiot
- Meltdown Messiah
wraparou8nd for the SST special edition; an article on it
Back to the content: I really didn’t mean to be a thief, but apparently—was just rewatching (in 2014), caught this—I may have stole Jenny’s charcoal demon-sketches on her bedroom wall scene from X-Files‘ “Grotesque” episode (3×14):
Looks like I was stealing more from that same time-period as well. This is Twin Peaks (2×2):
And, here’s Demon Theory with Delicia Williams on pencils:

How a lot of the footnotes work
After a while, you’re seeing Demon Theory everywhere, even at highway speeds:
Here’s something Theo Van Alst found. Looks suspiciously DT-ish . . .
and, out of context, this could be very DT (it’s a [clickable] screengrab from Howl):
and, this is pretty much the Oz-demons Jenny and Hale dream up:
Run, #puppymonkeybaby, run!
The #werewolfapebatgoat is coming for you!— FrancescoFrancavilla (@f_francavilla) February 8, 2016
Hey, wow: A Demon Theory gif:
And it’s still around in 2021:
Really wanting to read this as I’m a newer fan and attempting to read as much of the SGJ backlist as possible. My library has an ebook copy. Do you think this is okay to read? Would you ever consider doing a mass reprint of this book that’s not limited?
yeah, libraries are the best for that. thanks. but, if you’re asking if the physical one has story that the ebook doesn’t: nope. what you get from the physical copy is those red edges. and paper, heft, smell, all that. there are some special editions that have extra materials, too.
I would love nothing more than a physical copy (I love nothing more than a physical book for as much as I am a reader I am a collector at heart) and I have scoured the internet and can’t find one for the life of me! As long as a library e-book has your seal of approval I’ll start there and hope that the universe sends me a physical copy one day. You’re one of my favorites author-wise and would love to own all of your books.