- Halloween
- Venison
- Captivity Narrative 109
- To Run Without Falling
- Episode 43: Incest
- Nobody Knows This
- Bile
- Filius Nervosus
- Last Success
- Conquistadors
- These are the Names I Know
- The Fear of Jumping
- Bleed Into Me
- Carbon
- Every Night Was Halloween
- Discovering America
2005 Interview with Native America Calling:
Audio PlayerThe constant threat or fact of violence in these stories combined with Jones’s idiosyncratic, staccato prose makes for gripping and visceral reading
—Publisher’s Weekly
Jones’ prose hums with a grim intensity as he captures scenes from fractured worlds—Express-News
A collection of gutsy, ethereal stories about being Indian in the 21st Century. . . . These stories are disorienting—and meant to be—as though they bend each eye in a slightly different direction and then ask us to walk some fine, unseeable line—Montana Magazine
Gripping and visceral reading. . . . [I]n his evocation of young men grasping for hope while ruled by anger and helplessness, Jones shows talent—Publishers Weekly
The concluding story, ‘Discovering America,’ brilliantly encapsulates the whole collection. . . . Jones’ sardonic tale reveals the sort of casual stereotyping and prejudice that never seems to disappear—Booklist
He delves into lingering stereotypes, mistrust, and violence, evoking sometimes brief, but poignant even hurtful images. . . . A must read for any lover of short stories—Roundup Magazine
Jones’ most powerful writing stems from his attempts to reconcile the two cultures by which he defines himself—or finds himself defined—Southwestern American Literature
Jones reveals so much in Bleed Into Me that so many of us either can’t see, don’t notice, or won’t acknowledge about those we consider socially beneath us. Jones sees this world, its parallels between beauty and despair, grace and turmoil, and describes it with originality and stylistic flair. Jones’s vision is unflinchingly peculiar. It’s also a vision like no other—Thomas Scott McKenzie, PopMatters.com
He captures the peculiar outsider perspective of a people who live in white American society without ever really becoming a part of it, internalizing its values. Jones is a voice from the edges…. Jones asks deep questions, and his writing is often poetic and his voice unique. By taking a look at those who are on the outside looking in, maybe we can see ourselves better—Advocate
Jones weaves his prose with metaphorical fluidity that will no doubt change the face of literature within the next few years. . . . With a focus on Native American literature, this author will challenge readers more than any other current author—Eagle Online
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